The Gyst Life
Creativity is imperfect by nature. This show navigates the everchanging flow of our thoughts, ideas and experiences that shape our lives, our work and our relationship to creativity. We talk about the journey of uncovering the deeper meaning in our work, regardless of what it is, the mastery achieved and the powerful ideas that emerge as we recommit to the messy imperfect process that is creativity. We believe everyone is creative and you don’t need to have everything figured out to create something meaningful, because even those who have their shit together, can still find meaning and purpose missing in their life and their work.

Saturday Mar 09, 2019
56. MEN! Get Uncomfortable, GET REAL!
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Welcome to The GYST Life Podcast for episode 56, solo hosted this week by Vern with Aaron in support.
Hosting a solo podcast was a great experience and completely out of my comfort zone. Thankfully Aaron was there to have my back.
This podcast has a bit of everything including the story of how we actually got started.
My intention was to have a real conversation with our listeners about some vulnerabilities in my life. The interesting thing is, we all have vulnerabilities even if we pretend we don’t and even when we are not aware we do.
I find men, in particular, are not trained to deal with emotions and vulnerabilities in a powerful way. Most of my life any emotions quickly turned to anger as my default.
Although I am certain women deal with emotions, vulnerabilities, and loneliness, I can’t speak from a woman's perspective. I think that is the real breakdown in communication between people in our hypersensitive culture with polarizing social issues that get taken way out of context. We point fingers at each other rather than work toward understanding and support.
We are all walking around misunderstood, lonely, not heard, seeking connection and belonging and we tell no one. We are well trained to take life on by ourselves and if we need help then that means something is wrong.
The way we create power and freedom in our lives is to share what we are dealing with and what we care about. Have you ever noticed when you create real conversations with people you share common interests and struggles?
I have seen people nearly die rather than simply asking for help because they were afraid to be thought of weak. We are committed to putting these conversations on the table and creating access for people to make a difference for each other.
We managed to have a great conversation about real shit and had a fun time doing it. So sit back get comfortable and embrace the discomfort.
Enjoy the episode and we request you like and subscribe or leave a comment.
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Sunday Feb 10, 2019
55. FInd Your Voice, FInd Your Will to Thrive
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Welcome back to the GYST Life Podcast for episode 55. We are fascinated with people and their stories. Caran Magaw and her dog piper join us this week with a story about victory. What would be available for you if you started to explore and play in life NOW before you hit the proverbial ROCK BOTTOM? What if you were just cool with what is going on right now in the moment rather than always being in control. Emotions are not absolute, they are not to be controlled, they are to be discovered, explored and experienced.We’ve all had moments where life occurs like you’re losing your shit. Caran has literally been there and back. Dealing with our mental wellness can be a lonely journey and the reality is we all need mental health and most of us don’t deal with it very well. Caran shares how lack of purpose in life had her completely lose her identity and the will to function, literally paralyzed on the couch for almost 2 years. Most of us are not aware of how subtle and persuasive the mind can be. The bottom line is if you don’t deal with your mind, your mind will deal with you. Ok so how do you deal with it? Ask questions like the following about yourself. - What are you passionate about? - What do you want to explore? - Do you make yourself a priority? Caran shares how she is flourishing as a result of exploring and developing a relationship with herself. Listen to how she shifted her context as she took responsibility for how she spoke with herself and allowed space to explore her curiosities.It is very unlikely you’ve not experienced significant discomfort before having a breakthrough in your life. Embrace the discomfort of new experiences and see what is possible.. Enjoy the episode and we request you like and subscribe or leave a comment. Want to share something in private or have a comment read on the podcast? Write to us at
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Sunday Jan 27, 2019
54. What Do You Value?
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Vern couldn’t make our Saturday podcast and so Wakefield and I will be jamming with you this morning. Wake shares some of what he’s experiencing in his psych class he’s is taking for his RMT program. In particular an exercise he was grappling with. It was an exercise where the outcome was to narrow down the values that define you to the top 5.
This was something Wake had thought he had figured out already but quickly began to realize just how much work there was still to be done if he was willing to dig in and take a deeper dive.
Wake saw an opportunity, he saw why this was so necessary (for him). He understands that it’s not just physical therapy he’s helping people to resolve, but the emotional tweaks, sprang, and cramps as well.
This exercise began to challenge his notions and beliefs about himself.
We dig deeper into a brilliant conversation about our belief systems, the power of the mind and how to be more gentle with yourself. Whether you’ve been working on developing yourself and your mind for years or you’ve just started walking, it’s clear that the human being gets all tangled up in the how...let go of trying to figure out how and just take action.
“ Realizing that our actions, feelings, and behavior are the results of our own images and beliefs gives us the level that psychology has always needed for changing personality. “ - Maxwell Maltz
The game is to elevate how you see yourself and the belief systems you have in place. To spend more time defining what’s important to you, with words. To dig deep and wrestle with and get pig muddy with those words.
As humans, we have a tendency to want to “get through it” “to win” and say “yup I did that work, I’m done”. Take your time with this, notice when you find yourself trying to get it right and just say what you mean.
What do you value? What is necessary for you? What makes a difference for you? Take some time and explore to exhaustion and then begin the journey of narrowing them down to your top 5. Why do this? We’ll ask you something…Why the fuck not?
Read the Maxwell Maltz’s Book Pyscho Cybernetics
Wim Hoff Interview on Impact Theory
Wim Hoff (aka The IceMan) Youtube Channel
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Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
53. Strip Down What's There, Reveal What Matters
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
YAY…! David is back… Welcome to Episode 53 of The GYST Life podcast. It’s a new year, a new beginning and the perfect time to start living your best life on your terms. Our GYST Life community believes this is possible for anyone who is willing to choose it and willing to look in the dark corners of your life and deal with what isn’t working.
We are on a journey to design and create a vibrant, thriving, connected community that fuels dreams. This is a selfish interest with a covert passion to realize our mission, have you living your best life on your terms.
If you are going to live your best life, sometimes you’ll have to get out of your own way. Sometimes there is nothing to be done except be and trust that the next step you take will get you closer to where you want to be. Doug Bouey, today’s guest did just that and discovered the pilgrimage to santiago de compostela which he’s now walked three times.
What can we learn about ourselves when we stripe away our work title, money, our homes or anything that your identity is tied to? What really matters is the only thing left and it cannot be discovered by the conscious mind.
People today have no idea what it’s like to discover because everything moves at the speed of light. Our heads are clouded with technology, always something to do, the race against time. We are always stuck in the conscious mind with no time to reflect or create.
The presence of being in the present moment is a common denominator on the GYST. The truth is we usually have everything we need in the present moment, we cannot change yesterday and we have no idea what tomorrow will bring. Listen along while Doug shares the simple pleasures of a walk in nature and the benefits of slowing down.
Send us a message at Sayhi@TheGyst.Life
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Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Sunday Jan 06, 2019
52.'s Just a Game
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
When is the last time you felt… ALIVE? Notice, your answer is likely not about an expensive gift, the end of a trip or even a big promotion.
Nah, all of those things are valuable and exciting. We say it is the experience and build up leading to the thing you think you want that made you feel alive. We play to experience the game not the result.
John Orian joins us for episode 52 with an inspiring message for humanity and particularly, The BOOMERS.
John discovered on his journey as he transitioned from retirement back into creating something sustainable that what we really want is a life of meaning. That was what was missing for most people when provided that opportunity through his workshop series.
Society or #thethey has a way of infiltrating our thoughts and making us think, a new car, bigger house, a promotion, and more money brings happiness and fulfillment.
Is that what you really want? The superficial stuff will no doubt provide resources to contribute to your experience. However, strip all of your worldly goods away, all your titles… What are you left with?
Is there love, relationships, community, passion, impact? Or are you left feeling empty and alone?
Don’t ignore your intuition, lean in and start creating and playing with your life because it’s all just a game.
Now the question is, what game are you winning at right now? What game do you really want to play?
Listen, enjoy and play along.
Connect with John Orian on Linkedin The GYST on facebook The Gyst on instagram David on Instagram Vern on Instagram to our Youtube Channel

Saturday Dec 22, 2018
51. How Do You Push Yourself?
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
Today I slapped my brother on the podcast.
It was fun, awkward and part of our journey find our greatness.
We talk about his trip overseas and the experiences he encountered that pushed him in all sorts of ways. We often don’t realize it but most of the time our default operating system is running the show. The trick is to realize that the real opportunities for growth lay beneath the surface of our tendencies and habits.
The ability to push yourself requires you to reveal what’s underneath that thing we do. To look at that thing, habit, action from a new perspective.
The new perspective lives inside of creating situations that push your comfort zones and open you up to new and unexpected possibilities for adventure, fulfillment and growth.
That is where the notion of being motivated gets generated from. Motivation is a byproduct of pushing yourself and expanding your boundaries.
It cannot exist on its own for very long.
So what are you curious about? What are you interested in and want to learn? Be open and understand that it’s about the process of going from point a to b to c. That it will not always go the way you expect it to go and that the less than positive experience you encountered is quite likely the necessary step you need to take to move towards what you really want.
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Sunday Dec 09, 2018
50. Start with a Hug
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
We were excited about episode 50 and we wanted to do something special and in typical fashion, when we stop trying to think of a great idea, one showed.
Being the ripple makers that we are @TheGYSTLife we shifted our format completely for this occasion.
We invited a very close friend to host this episode, the talented and beautiful Heather Spurrell joins us as she facilitates a live couple coaching session right on the podcast.
The guards were up in the beginning but it didn’t take long for our brave couple to relax and get raw and real.
Listen in as Heather uses her profound skills to hold a space for a deep and meaningful conversation to occur. Hear this young couple learn, grow and understand side by side as they grapple with the realities of life, love, and long-term commitments.
While you listen, put down your assessments and judgments and insert your current, past or ideal future relationship into the conversation. Just stay present and open.
You get to benefit from this brave couple’s sharing as they lay it all on the line in public fashion. You’re lucky enough to be in the comfort and privacy of your own thoughts while you listen to this vulnerable experience.
And hey, if you are one of those brave couples who think our guests are the lucky ones, hang in there, you may just get your chance to meet Heather and join us on the podcast for your own couples session. Stay tuned on that.
Wow, sit back relax and take this in. It’s a wide ride so buckles fuckers.

Saturday Dec 01, 2018
Saturday Dec 01, 2018
Saturday Dec 01, 2018
Sometimes in life, things seem to be going very well. You have a good job, decent income, friends, status and your annual vacation. These important things in life form our identity, but is that who we are?
One day suddenly it’s all taken away, what are you left with. We say you are left with an opportunity to look at what is possible for your life by not being shackled to your current reality.
That is exactly what happened to today’s guests. They have a moving story that will inspire you to look at what could be possible in your life.
This is a conversation you will not want to miss, it is filled with excitement and danger. Tony & Marcy share stories from their journey including a gunpoint hold up in Mexico, businesses falling apart, battling addiction, leaving the corporate world to blaze their trail and more.
The descriptions might sound intense but the reality is that we all have intense situations we’ve dealt with in life and we are quick to dismiss it like “no big deal”.
Wakefield is back with us again to drop another outstanding and timely piece as we discuss PTSD, defining moments and numbers.
Tony & Marcy point to some empowering contexts that will support you in living your best life, on your terms. We invite you to listen
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Sunday Nov 18, 2018
48. What is Real Community?
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
What is possible when you decide to step outside of the pack and distinguish yourself in a unique way? Well we’re not really sure, but taking that journey is part of the beauty and fun.
In this particular case, a unique approach to a LinkedIn introduction leads to Derek Manns joining us for episode 48. You’ll have to tune in for details on that.
Derek is a man on a mission and as per usual here at The GYST Life, his mission is heart-centered and about something bigger than himself.
A few thoughts we want to leave with you to think about as you listen…
You’ve likely gone to a live show and witnessed some amazing performances only to never see or hear from that artist again.
Frustrating right?
Or perhaps you, yourself are a performer who wants more opportunities to be paid for your art.
Impossible yeah?
Join us as Derek, CEO of Stagehand shares his inspiring story that bridges the gap between Artists and those who appreciate talent and passion. Derek has helped over 700 artists earn paid gigs.
Stagehand is a startup, so there will be plenty of lessons in this episode that will help you get your shit together.
Looking for a cool venue to check out some of Calgary’s talent?
Half Hitch in Cochrane
Gravity Expresso & Wine Bar
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Stagehand’s website
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Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Sunday Nov 11, 2018
47. How Would You Tell Your Story?
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Welcome to episode 47 of the GYST Life Podcast, We thought we’d formally welcome you considering we sort of skipped that part this week. We don’t want to make excuses or let ourselves off the hook but let’s just say some new laws in Canada may have played a factor, wink-wink.
This week is all about reflection, vulnerability, and gratitude. This podcast is an as lived passion project that has significantly evolved since we started. There have been many people who have contributed along the way but this week Vern was compelled to acknowledge David for his contribution and willingness to push his boundaries and the boundaries of those around him.
David and Vern help each other level up because they love each other enough to call each other out on their shit and challenge each other.
As you listen to this episode think about who helps you level up in your life. Think about one thing you’ve always wanted to do and you’ve always had the perfect excuse not to do it. Then go tell those people who believe in you about your thing.
Everything we do adds to the richness of our experience and it adds value to our story. If you don’t have a clear vision for what you want to try or how you want your life to look, we’re giving you permission to play and discover.
This one gets real and emotional but we have a lot of fun so sit back relax, smoke a legal joint and enjoy two dudes with an opinion.
Send us a message at Sayhi@TheGyst.Life
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