The Gyst Life
Creativity is imperfect by nature. This show navigates the everchanging flow of our thoughts, ideas and experiences that shape our lives, our work and our relationship to creativity. We talk about the journey of uncovering the deeper meaning in our work, regardless of what it is, the mastery achieved and the powerful ideas that emerge as we recommit to the messy imperfect process that is creativity. We believe everyone is creative and you don’t need to have everything figured out to create something meaningful, because even those who have their shit together, can still find meaning and purpose missing in their life and their work.

Saturday Jun 29, 2019
66. Entrepreneurial Blood
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Welcome to episode 66 of The GYST Life Podcast. We’re joined by Judith Vergara, a lifestyle entrepreneur who grew up in the Philippines and now resides here in Calgary. Today we talk about growing up with housekeepers, coming out of retirement in your mid-twenties, and humanity plus business models. Judith shares about the pros and cons of living in the Philippines with privilege and an opportunity to take over the family business versus moving to Canada, starting from scratch and being exposed to opportunities that she had no reason to look for in the Philippines. Now that Judith has found success in her chosen field, she is now innovating on those structures and supporting others to increase their odds of success in a lifestyle business. Judith is out to even the playing field in the internet business space. Listen in and enjoy as our guest shares what's possible when you put people first and you share your knowledge and resources to support others.
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Saturday Jun 08, 2019
65. You Can Have it All
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Welcome back to The GYST Life Podcast for episode 65. We start by discussing routine and effectiveness. David chats about structures he is practicing to ensure he is fitting in what matters most into his day.
You get to say how your time is spent and if you are not fitting in things you say are important, consider there is nothing wrong, you’re just not taking responsibility and you’re not making the thing important enough.
What becomes available when you have a routine, focus and passion? You get to have it all, not be consumed by all that has to get done and you get to work on things you actually want to do.
Your internal critic is crafty though, you can find yourself spending most of your time preparing and analyzing that which has to get done rather than getting after it. Your day can be the most planned and organized and you’ve not done anything.
STOP that shit! You are wherever you are because of the actions you took or didn’t take in the past. Anything you’re dealing with can be transformed. How do we know? Because you created it and if you can recreate it differently. So own your shit, recreate your future, and take actions consistent with that new future. Oh, and don’t forget to enjoy the ride
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Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Saturday Jun 01, 2019
64. Let's See WTF Happens
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Episode 64 is a casual episode, a check-in, and some storytelling.
David and Vern allow the conversation to flow with a good mix of tangent, meaningful conversation and funny riffs.
One consistent delivery here at the GYST is a gritty, real and uncensored conversation about the shit we are all dealing with in life.
We share some fun stories about assessments we make out in the world. Owning 30 Lamborghinis and renting private planes.
We shift gears throughout the podcast as we talk about mental health, vulnerability, and leadership. How many of us are dealing with the same internal dialogue, yet we pretend that we are alone in the world with what we have going on in our lives.
We talk about how our identity figures out ways to keep us from our full potential while still LOOKING GOOD.
So let’s get into it. Enjoy the show.
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Saturday May 25, 2019
63. Be Selfish. Give More
Saturday May 25, 2019
Saturday May 25, 2019
Welcome to episode 63 of The GYST Life podcast where we are joined by Ryan Gill.
Ryan shares his deep passion for gratitude, contributing to others and the importance of selfishness.
We were floored by Ryan’s stories of grit, resourcefulness and a relentless commitment to delivering value.
What do you do when you get ‘bad news’ at the eleventh hour? Most of us would throw our hands up and say some variation for ‘why me’. On today’s episode, you will see what is possible when you stay committed to your promise and you honor your word.
What’s running the show in your mind, are you concerned about what you’re going to get, what’s in it for you or the quick win? When you are committed to something bigger than just looking good, you’ll start taking actions consistent with what you’re out to create rather than focusing on trivial shit in the day-to-day.
Ryan shares some great insights he has picked up over his twenty plus years in business which are directly transferable to life. What becomes available when you stay true to your values? Ryan has lived by gratitude, generosity, grit, selfishness (self-love) and being straight with people and this episode proves it’s working out well for him.
The sky's the limit for Ryan, the rest of us are no different so listen in to get inspired by what you can create when you get out of your own way.
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Heather Spurrell: The Relationship Coach
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Saturday May 18, 2019
62. The Compound Effect: Building Knowledge and Wealth
Saturday May 18, 2019
Saturday May 18, 2019
Guest episode today with Richard Canfield out of Edmonton. Our first time doing a remote guest on the show.
We covered the gamut today. Richard shares his journey of going through the process of working harder to working smarter. Richard grew up in rural Alberta and was heir to the throne of the families portable toilet kingdom.
He shares his discoveries and learning along the way. The lessons he was taught but didn’t quite understand and the catalyst-change events (Those moments when you begin to recognize things differently) that occurred and what expanded when he began on to put for time, energy and attention to those places.
We talk about what it really means to be of service and what you can do to discover what that is for you. The common thread in the podcast was inside of the context of Compound Interest. What happens when you create an environment for your knowledge and your finances to more effectively leverage this underutilized tool and what happens when you do.
This will most definitely challenge some of your assumptions for the better.
The Private Wealth System
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Saturday Apr 27, 2019
61. The Right Fit
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
Hello and welcome to episode 61 of the GYST Life Podcast. Today David and Vern, sit down and have a real conversation about what they are dealing with in life.
This episode is the embodiment for what the GYST Life is all about, greedy, real and uncensored as David shares from a disempowered state. We actually work through the disempowerment and get real with each other.
We discuss how a ‘real’ friend supports a friend in times of need. Have you ever been stopped in supporting someone because you didn’t know how to support them? What if having to know what to do is actually a problem.
What if supporting someone was about empowering them to be the person you know them to be rather than having to have a solution or fixing shit.
So what would it look like if you knew yourself to be someone who took the actions you know to take to get out of life what you really want?
Listen in as Vern and David move from a low vibration and a disempowered state to a place of power and excitement. You get to see what becomes available when you are willing to share what you are dealing with rather than trying to look good and have it all handled.
Don’t forget to write in because you have valuable feedback and you have stories people want to hear so
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Saturday Apr 20, 2019
60. The Ultimate Version of You
Saturday Apr 20, 2019
Saturday Apr 20, 2019
We are excited to welcome you to episode 60 of the GYST Life podcast. We are joined by Sunjeev from ‘The Street Gentlemen’ who shares his passion for showing men how to dress, not just to impress but also to show up as the authentic version and the best version of themselves.
What are the important things in life that contribute to what really matters? What contributes to you building the ultimate version of yourself? Sunjeev shares what drives him in life and in business as we talk about family values, commitment and balance.
We talk about the difference in the blind hustle vs what it takes to be intentional with your hustle. There is a fundamental difference between being efficient vs effective, we have all had days when we have been very busy and efficiently did nothing.
Some may think, if you this guy is supporting men to dress well, he’s all about looking good. Those who assume are usually wrong, they would be wrong in this case as well. Listen in as Sunjeev shares how dress can impact far more than just looking good. He goes deep and gets vulnerable with his clients, and his work has a profound impact on people.
Enjoy and don’t forget to
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Saturday Apr 06, 2019
59. Your Tomorrow Might Never Come
Saturday Apr 06, 2019
Saturday Apr 06, 2019
I get to jam on the mic solo today, well almost. Like a trooper, Aaron is there and ready. I really appreciate you man. Really. Thank-you. Last month was a crazy month, how quickly time flies. Yes, cliche. And the clocks keeps ticking doesn’t it? So what are you doing with it?
We really do believe we have more time and why not? We wake up and there’s another day, waiting for us! It’s remarkable. It happens without question.
I am searching for something right now, I won’t give it away here. I want you to listen to the podcast. Because I suspect you’re searching for something too. Heck we might even be searching for the same thing. But our actions are not in-sync with it and it will leave permanent damage if you keep ignoring it.
Fear not, there is hope. But it lies dormant for the most part, and it’s the key to unlock all that you wish to come true. Really.
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Sunday Mar 24, 2019
58. From Surface to Significance
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Welcome to Episode 58 of The GYST Life Podcast. Have you ever wondered what it means to create a life of significance?
Barry Anderson is here to share his journey and perspective on what significance really looks like. Here’s a hint. it’s about contribution and making a difference.
As you listen to Barry’s story, think of what a life of significance would look like for you and the difference that would that have on you and your communities.
Barry generously shares what growing up in Calgary looked like, how he got here and how that shaped his life and legacy.
We go deep into a conversation about what is happening under the surface in Calgary, and what a possible new future could look like.
This episode captures what is possible when a few ripple makers drew a line in the sand and decided to create something that really matters... something of significance, deeper than just the surface.
So sit back, relax and enjoy the magic.
Thanks for listening.
Contact Barry Anderson from the Creative Intelligence Agency
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Saturday Mar 16, 2019
57. The Inner Critic & The StrongMan
Saturday Mar 16, 2019
Saturday Mar 16, 2019
My name is David Schmeikal and I’m an entrepreneur. I've fallen off the wagon and It’s been 3 weeks since I’ve been around the community of people that lift and build me up.
It was really good to get back on the mic, have the banter and conversation with people I respect, love and admire and are willing to play the game together.
That is magical, there isn’t enough of that out there…
Today’s episode was a check-in. 3 weeks away from the mic for various reasons. And I shared some of the struggles and wins going on between the Critic and the Strongman.
The character yelling from the sidelines and the human in the ring, playing the game.
It’s a powerful episode for me as I check-in. Vern and I talk about kissing my wife, creating community, and we distinguish the act of Seeking vs Looking.
Read these books!
3 Feet from Gold
Eyes Wide Open
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