The Gyst Life
Creativity is imperfect by nature. This show navigates the everchanging flow of our thoughts, ideas and experiences that shape our lives, our work and our relationship to creativity. We talk about the journey of uncovering the deeper meaning in our work, regardless of what it is, the mastery achieved and the powerful ideas that emerge as we recommit to the messy imperfect process that is creativity. We believe everyone is creative and you don’t need to have everything figured out to create something meaningful, because even those who have their shit together, can still find meaning and purpose missing in their life and their work.

Friday Nov 22, 2019
76. My Brother's Crazy
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
What’s up! David here and this is episode 76! Sorry for the long delay between episodes. There’s a lot of planning going on with a bunch of new dudes joining the team. You’ll be hearing from all of them over the coming episodes.
I always enjoy a good story and when my brother’s around he’s always got a good story to tell. So we’ve got a long juicy episode that we hope will make up for our tardiness.
We talk about just how crazy the world’s become since the dawn of the internet. How much we have access to in a simple click and the ripples, hell the waves of the impact it has on each and every one of us (whether you’re present to it or not). Some more than others depending on how long you can tolerate standing in the wake of the next craze. Be it the cancel culture society or the ability to live stream pretty much anything and create a following around it, it’s truly awe-inspiring and scary.
The internet has blown it all wide open and everything is up for grabs.
We talk about Patrick’s trip to Thailand and almost being eaten by an elephant, his trip to Southern India performing stunts for 60 days and his experience of semi-celebrity status, riding camels and hanging with cows and being gifted peoples naked babies.
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Saturday Nov 02, 2019
Saturday Nov 02, 2019
Saturday Nov 02, 2019
We are excited to welcome Connie Jakab for episode 75, a local entrepreneur, an agent of change for a healthy culture and mental health.
Our society is sick, our young people are defining themselves by their anxieties and depressions rather than strengths and passions.
Where did this come from and what can we do to change it, as a family, as a community and as a society? You’ll find out on today’s show.
You’ll also get connected to an abundance of resources to support in creating thriving children and relationships.
Enjoy the episode.

Thursday Oct 24, 2019
74. Boil the egg. Find the Diamond
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
David Andrew Weibe joins us for episode 74 of The GYST Life Podcast. We discuss the events of life that shape who we become both consciously and unconsciously.
David shares some compelling stories about his upbringing. David grew up in Japan from a young age and he is still fluent in the language. We discuss the impact of losing a parent and the interpretations that follow.
David experienced being misunderstood as he moved back to Canada and tried to acclimate himself to the culture. As a result, not uncommonly, David was bullied and made fun of.
Fortunately for David he found his self-expression and a release through music and writing lyrics.
We dive deep into all that and more so enjoy the show.
P.S. We would really appreciate a rating and or review of our podcast on your preferred platform. Thanks in advance...

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
73. Opportunity Meets Preparation
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Most of us men do not talk about our mortality. I know I sure don’t. I literally get weak in the knees when I do. It’s fucked. I understand that does not serve me and here we are.
Today’s episode we are joined by Craig Tervit an Estate Planner based here in Calgary.
Craig shares his journey of immigrating here from South Africa and the struggle and challenge of fitting in.
We explore the rich experience that is the father and son relationship, and what happens when you lose a parent. The ups and downs, the valuable lessons learned that we take away with us and the ones we choose to pass on to our sons and daughters.
So what happens when opportunity and preparation come together? Do you get that you will inevitably get to where you’re going? We are all on a journey, we are all learning new things along the way and if you’re aware you will continue to bring a richness to your world everyday.
Connect with Craig Tervit
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Saturday Sep 07, 2019
72. The Rock in the River
Saturday Sep 07, 2019
Saturday Sep 07, 2019
Hello and welcome to episode 72 of The GYST Life podcast. We are joined by Michael Dargie, from DropBear and Panda.
This is for you introverts for you out there as Michael shares how he found his way through discomfort to fully expressing himself in many creative ways.
We talk about the Fight for truth and the search for self-expression while navigating ‘REAL LIFE’. Michael shares how he has failed gracefully by allowing things to flow rather than fight and try to control everything.
We also bust up our stories about being average in a world that holds on tight to their ideals of what success looks like.
Today’s episode dives in to all this and more, enjoy the show.

Saturday Aug 31, 2019
71. Oh Ya. No. For Sure.
Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Saturday Aug 31, 2019
Hello and welcome to The GYST Life Podcast episode 71. Today we talk about fighting the drift versus embracing it.
Second guessing yourself after making a choice and moving forward with it. Overthinking what we know about what people are going through based on our first impressions. Assuming we know how something is going to go without having any context.
We talk about being in communication with the people in our lives who hold us higher than you sometimes hold yourself. Being a great leader and to make a difference in the world sometimes means you have to follow.
And we have a request for our listeners. If you like what you hear from The GYST Life podcast, we would really appreciate a five star review and comment on iTunes or your preferred platform. We want to reach more people and we need your help. Feel free to have some fun with this and keep it light. Thanks for your contribution.
Add a review here:
This is a jam-packed show so enjoy the episode.

Saturday Aug 17, 2019
70. Your Default Is Not Reliable
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Welcome to episode 70 of the GYST Life Podcast. On today’s episode we talk about discipline as a pathway to freedom! Guess what, you’re flaky and unreliable as are most of the people in your life, here’s the kicker, most of you don’t even realize it.
Are you grappling with success and wondering why you’re not getting the results you want? Try on, you have fears of success or at least a fear of the person you’d constantly have to be to get the success you’re after.
So what do you do about it? Ask yourself, who’s your gandalf, who are those people in your life that will challenge and encourage you to do the things necessary because the reality is, you don’t know what you’re capable of.
You ever notice, you’ve been living life for 30, 40 or 50 years and still some days you have no clue what the fuck you’re doing. That’s how developing a podcast feels 70 episodes in, inevitable roadblocks show up to test your commitment and contribute to your learning.
We point to how the pleasure and pain of your journey are necessary for you to understand what you’re capable of and what you really want.
The podcast has been a catalyst that's helped us to figure things out, to explore, pull apart and unravel what it is that has us step up to the next level in life.
What do you have in place that will stretch yourself to take on the things that you don’t even realize are possible?
Because it’s totally possible and you’re totally capable! You need the right people in your life to achieve those milestones, they are out there and they will embrace you.
They’re waiting for you! So get after it!

Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Today we talk about, getting what you deserve, what you think you deserve versus what you actually deserve.
Accepting where you are, because you suck! And here’s why.
You’re not focused.
You’re not mindful of the choices you make.
You try to take on too much and your end goals are not big enough.
We dig into this on the episode.
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Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
68. Stand for What's Right
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
We all are provided opportunities to stand for what’s right in this world. Our tendency is different from everyone. You either step in, step up or step back and deep down we know when something needs to be said or done.
These opportunities are subtle and easily dismissed for many reasons. The biggest one being the potential negative situation you are put in if you do decide to stand for what’s right.
In today’s episode Vern and I talk about a situation that unfolded with me and another person at a party. There was some inappropriate behaviour going down that I just wasn’t willing to tolerate. I went into the situation knowing full well what’s likely going to happen if I do stand for what I know needed to be said.
This story invariably leads us down the rabbit hole of how we directly or indirectly engage in topics around race, sexuality and inclusivity, exploring similar stories and what we experienced in those moments. Not just the bad ones, but the good ones too!
It’s not an easy conversation to have at the best of times, and we must be willing to deal with these stresses in our lives as they appear. When we are willing to step into those awkward moments, to share, acknowledge, confront; We create a new context for what we know is right that creates a new context for what will predictably come next and familiar tools to help find the solution.
In today’s world it is a fundamental necessity in our day to day lives.
Enjoy the show
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Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Saturday Jul 13, 2019
67. 150 Day RoadTrip
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Have you ever fantasized about your dream job? What if you could create the job or business of your dreams? On Episode 67 Matt and Carla share their story of how they are literally living the dream and how they created it.
Have you ever had an idea you really wanted to take action on, then came up with all the perfect reasons not to do it? Then what? You kick yourself and wish you would have done it.
Our guests share how they organically created an amazing opportunity and by virtue of continuing to move toward the vision, they opened up doors to make it happen.
I know what you’re thinking; sounds nice but… Or Yeah but they must have gotten lucky… Or insert new excuse to let yourself off the hook. Listen in and you’ll hear what is possible when you follow your passion and you’re willing to get uncomfortable and risk it not working out.
Matt tells us how an idea, inspired action and persistence lead to a once in a lifetime road trip that has forever transformed his and Carla’s lives. On this episode, Matt and Carla share some of the lessons, mistakes, and afterthoughts from their amazing travel stories.
Buckle your seat belts, we’re about to go on a Kick-Ass road trip you’re not going to want to miss this. Don’t worry our tour guides are savvy travel veterans from Must Do Canada.
Listen and enjoy!
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