The Gyst Life
Creativity is imperfect by nature. This show navigates the everchanging flow of our thoughts, ideas and experiences that shape our lives, our work and our relationship to creativity. We talk about the journey of uncovering the deeper meaning in our work, regardless of what it is, the mastery achieved and the powerful ideas that emerge as we recommit to the messy imperfect process that is creativity. We believe everyone is creative and you don’t need to have everything figured out to create something meaningful, because even those who have their shit together, can still find meaning and purpose missing in their life and their work.

Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
As children, the world was full of possibilities and magic. Anything was possible. We were told we were unique and special.
As we get older, the negative & pragmatic experiences or feedback of those around us accompanied by the unrealistic expectations set by society begin to chisel away at the marble, creating you in their likeness.
Your choice was removed and you didn’t even know it.
Isn't it interesting that everyone who knows us really well tend to start with you should, and lead with what they think is best? We are all guilty of it. It’s a byproduct of everyone trying to put everyone else in boxes all the time. It’s unfortunate, but that’s what we’ve been taught.
There must be a silver lining though, ya? Well, we all have a guide. It’s been with us from day one, it’s just not been given much air time anymore but it shows up time and again in the form of how you’re feeling.
Are you paying attention to it? It can define you if you embrace that which you’ve dismissed or diminished for most of your life.
A Day on Purpose is bringing together a fantastic community of speakers and presenters. People like you and me, at various stages of uncovering their own purpose. It will be a day of stories and discovery that will work to make a very high level and at times hard to understand topic relatable and uncomplicated.
Conference details can be found here:

Thursday Jan 02, 2020
85-A Day on Purpose E9 - Laurie Mackay - Take the Meandering Path.
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
You know you’re on your path to purpose if you’re enjoying it. If you’re not, keep opening different doors.
This path to purpose is one that Laurie has been on for a long time and when she asks herself if she’s found her purpose yet, she is reminded of the fact that for her she really enjoys taking the meandering path of getting somewhere. Whether it’s traveling or studying for her it’s been about the journey
But for some of us it’s a real challenge to work that practice into our lives. We’ve been told at one point or another of all this potential we have and so faced with this pressure of getting to the end faster for fear of wasting this untapped precious resource. Yet still lacking the clarity of what IT is for us. Laurie shares some really great perspectives on how to handle those that mean well along the way to purpose.
For Laurie It took getting a degree in economics under her belt to see there were other doors that still needed, wanted to be opened.
Keep going! You’re well on your way.
On June 20th, A Day on Purpose is bringing together a fantastic community of speakers and presenters. People like you and me, at various stages of uncovering their own purpose. It will be a day of stories and discovery that will work to make a very high level and at times hard to understand topic relatable and uncomplicated.
Conference details can be found here:

Monday Dec 30, 2019
84-A Day on Purpose E8 - Jenn Lofgren
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Perspective. What’s yours and how do you share it? Sometimes that’s all it takes for another person to see something they’ve never seen before and completely changes how we view the world and our place in it.
The funny thing about that perspective is that it was always there, the only thing that changed was your ability to see it.
Everyone has a backstory, some of us in a leadership role have lost touch with that story. Our focus is likely in the day or in the future out of the necessity of the role we’ve assumed. What happens over time is we lose connection to our purpose. We find ourselves asking why we’re doing this and what’s the point?
Jenn and Richard dig in on episode 8 of a special series on purpose on #TheGystLife
On June 20th, A Day on Purpose is bringing together a fantastic community of speakers and presenters. People like you and me, at various stages of uncovering their own purpose. It will be a day of stories and discovery that will work to make a very high level and at times hard to understand topic relatable and uncomplicated.
Conference details can be found here:

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
84-A Day on Purpose E7 - Candy Event Consulting - Who Are You?
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Who are you?
Understanding who you are is not a one and done event. Who you were 5, 10 even 20 years ago is not who you will continue to be for the next 30. Human beings are always in a constant state of change and growth. How you lean in and embrace those changes makes all the difference.
As is finding the right people who are aligned with what you’re looking to achieve. So who’s around you on the journey? Who we are and who shows up around us will contribute significantly to the direction you go in.
Today we talk with Lisa and Jen from Candy Event Consulting. Their purpose is helping others express theirs through the events they plan with their clients. They are the organization helping us to create an amazing experience for A Day on Purpose.
________EVENT DETAILS *UPDATE*:On June 20th, A Day on Purpose is bringing together a fantastic community of speakers and presenters. People like you and me, at various stages of uncovering their own purpose. It will be a day of stories and discovery that will work to make a very high level and at times hard to understand topic relatable and uncomplicated.Conference details can be found here:

Friday Dec 27, 2019
83-A Day on Purpose E6: Evan Weselake - Be Ok With You.
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Be ok with you.
Some of the coolest people you’ll ever meet are figuring it out. What’s cool is that they’re all in and trying to figure it out and what you’ll realize if you don’t yet already is that discovery is really cool. Whether it’s your PhD or an extreme sport It’s not about what you’re doing but why you’re doing it. What do you LOVE about what you’re involved in? The performance is a very fleeting thing, but the experience of why you’re in it and what you’ve been called to experience and the adversity of the journey, THAT is it.
You cannot add up the numbers like you would a goal. Your purpose does not have numbers attached to it. It has values, contributions, experience but It is not a quantified measure.
On June 20th, the first ever “Day on Purpose Conference” will be happening here in Calgary.
A Day on Purpose is bringing together a fantastic community of speakers and presenters. People like you and me, at various stages of uncovering their own purpose. It will be a day of stories and discovery that will work to make a very high level and at times hard to understand topic relatable and uncomplicated.
You are brave enough to start the journey and we’d love for you to join us.
Conference details can be found here:

Friday Dec 27, 2019
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Life tends to go this way…
You do one thing, it then opens the doors to something else and you either choose to pursue that or not. We pick the next “logical” thing as we move through and take advantage of the options presented to us along the way. But how often have you looked back at the choices you’ve taken, and how they were all connected? You might be surprised by what you find.
Laura Wikant shares more about her journey to discovering what was already there the whole time for her and what gets in our way as we venture forward to discover our purpose.
On June 20th, the first-ever “Day on Purpose Conference” will be happening here in Calgary.
A Day on Purpose is bringing together a fantastic community of speakers and presenters. People like you and me, at various stages of uncovering their own purpose. It will be a day of stories and discovery that will work to make a very high level and at times hard to understand topic relatable and uncomplicated.
You are brave enough to start the journey and we’d love for you to join us.
Conference details can be found here:

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
What is your definition of success? How are you setting up our next generation's definition of success?
It’s not about goals or about achieving those goals. It’s got everything to do with HOW you work on getting that future. You have the power to define success and in that, you have the power to be successful.
You’ll really enjoy listening to episode 4 of our special series on purpose and to our guest, Teresa Velero.
In January the first ever “Day on Purpose Conference” will be happening here in Calgary.
A Day on Purpose is bringing together a fantastic community of speakers and presenters. People like you and me, at various stages of uncovering their own purpose. It will be a day of stories and discovery that will work to make a very high level and at times hard to understand topic relatable and uncomplicated.
You are brave enough to start the journey and we’d love for you to join us.
Conference details can be found here:

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
80 - A Day on Purpose E3: Ravin Moorthy - What are we really here for?
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
And it’s not about just pulling hydrocarbons out of the ground.
Ravin Moorthy is our third guest on the special series on purpose. Ravin, like most of us who have descended on this city at the base of the mountains in Alberta, has experienced the impact of the current state of our economy. But that was not the only thing that impacted his life and pushed him to realize that this isn’t the only thing he’s here to do. And so if that’s not the only thing, then what else is there? What are the difference-makers about him? A great conversation many of us will relate to.
On June 20th, the first-ever “Day on Purpose Conference” will be happening here in Calgary.
A Day on Purpose is bringing together a fantastic community of speakers and presenters. People like you and me, at various stages of uncovering their own purpose. It will be a day of stories and discovery that will work to make a very high level and at times hard to understand topic relatable and uncomplicated.
You are brave enough to start the journey and we’d love for you to join us.
Conference details can be found here:

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
79 - A Day on Purpose E2: Crystal Phillips - Top of a different game
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
What would you do if you were the top individual in your field only to have that kicked out from under you in about 3 days? How would you move forward? This podcast reveals a little into Crystal Phillip's story of being one of the top athletes in her game to being paralyzed only to rise to the top again but in a different way.EVENT DETAILS *UPDATE*:On June 20th, the first ever “Day on Purpose Conference” will be happening here in Calgary. A Day on Purpose is bringing together a fantastic community of speakers and presenters. People like you and me, at various stages of uncovering their own purpose. It will be a day of stories and discovery that will work to make a very high level and at times hard to understand topic relatable and uncomplicated. You are brave enough to start the journey and we’d love for you to join us.Conference details can be found here: Crystal Phillips:

Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
78 - A Day on Purpose E1: Holly Kelly talks about the power of the heart
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
We have forgotten our place. We know this, we experience this daily and It’s time to stop ignoring it. Humans are but one thread in the web of life, we didn't create the web, and we can’t control the web.
Are you listening? Like really listening? It is the difference-maker. There is a richness to the story that’s being told between the lines, through our bodies, and from the land. If we would only stop and listen.
New science is expanding our understanding of just how powerful our hearts are at transmitting waves into the world. 5,000 times more powerful than our brains in fact.
How do we then connect to our hearts and our inherent wildness? Holly speaks more about this on the podcast.
On June 20th the first ever “Day on Purpose Conference” will be happening here in Calgary.
A Day on Purpose is bringing together a fantastic community of speakers and presenters. People like you and me, at various stages of uncovering their own purpose. It will be a day of stories and discovery that will work to make a very high level and at times hard to understand topic relatable and uncomplicated.
You are brave enough to start the journey and we’d love for you to join us.
Conference details can be found here: