The Gyst Life
Creativity is imperfect by nature. This show navigates the everchanging flow of our thoughts, ideas and experiences that shape our lives, our work and our relationship to creativity. We talk about the journey of uncovering the deeper meaning in our work, regardless of what it is, the mastery achieved and the powerful ideas that emerge as we recommit to the messy imperfect process that is creativity. We believe everyone is creative and you don’t need to have everything figured out to create something meaningful, because even those who have their shit together, can still find meaning and purpose missing in their life and their work.

Sunday Feb 25, 2018
16. DISCIPLINE: From Spark Plug to Quarter Mile
Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Sunday Feb 25, 2018
For me...there’s nothing like the growling sounds of a well tuned engine and the way everything vibrates around it. They make their presence known and they are not afraid to show it.
It’s power contained, ready to be channeled at a moments notice.
WE are the same! But what we often forget about is the working and planning and fuck-ups it took to get to that end result.
A bunch of parts on the table, structured properly and put in the right order will unleash a powerful productive machine that will drive you to the finish line. IF you channel it.
PS: Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel so we can get to our 100 subs.
Vernon R. McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on Instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at TheGyst
Weekly. Unscripted and Real.

Saturday Feb 17, 2018
Saturday Feb 17, 2018
Saturday Feb 17, 2018
Consumerism is the cultural couch potato. It is driven by default behavior. We have become so inundated with marketing and advertising, that we have had to fight through to preserve what keeps up human.
That said, you are not a victim of it. You are simply responsible and It’s ok to admit where you are weak.
We always talk about; “THIS is what THEY are doing now”, and “THIS is how IT is”.
IT is that way and THEY are doing THAT because WE allow it. #theThey
We all want to stand for something and a lot of us don’t know what that is yet. Here’s a suggestion: Focus more time and energy on fulfillment and uncovering your purpose in life.
We are coming to the end of the era of bullshit. Last year Canada turned over to a majority distrusting nation according to the Edelman’s Trust Barometer.
The time has come for us to get real and provide real value that will have a positive impact in the world.
Tom Bilyeu (Impact Theory)
Mel Robbin's Ted Talk: How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over
Brene Brown’s Ted Talk: The Power of Vulnerability
PS: Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel so we can get to our 100 subs.

Sunday Feb 11, 2018
14. Social Media: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
David and Vern talk about the struggles of using social media and rising above the noise. A constant check-in is required for each of us to make sure we are adding value and not adding more noise.
Social media is social and media. But is the media overtaking the social? What can each of us do to ensure the media we are watching is serving us? Also ask yourself: Why are you being social? Are you creating deep meaningful relationships or are you keeping your distance and wondering why your life is lacking real connection, despite all your “activities on social”?
These tools make a difference if we’re being responsible for how we use them, what we share and how we communicate.
PS: Don't forget to subscribe to TheGyst on youtube so we can get to our 100 subs.
Vernon R. McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on Instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at TheGyst
Weekly. Unscripted and real.

Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Do you ever just think holy fuck I am a dad and I got these little people and I’m responsible for them and the shit I do and decisions I make will have an impact on these people? Us too. Today we talk a little bit about our experiences as Fathers and getting present to the ever-changing target that is being a man.
As fathers, Vern and I talk it out.
PS: Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel so we can get to our 100 subs.
Vern McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on Instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at TheGyst
Weekly. Unscripted and real.

Sunday Jan 28, 2018
12. Order + Chaos. Get Used To It.
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
In this episode, David and Vern discuss their challenges and successes of navigating through the natural world of order and chaos. Chaos is layered in our life + our culture and we struggle to try and make sense of it all. So what’s missing? The idea of perfection lives in all areas of our life. Yet the benchmark of perfection is inauthentic.
We dive deep and pull it apart.
Vern McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at The Gyst!
Weekly. Unscripted and real.

Thursday Nov 16, 2017
11. The Uncomfortable Waters of Discipline, Responsibility and Will Power
Thursday Nov 16, 2017
Thursday Nov 16, 2017
Ask yourself: What do I really want in life? Who do I really want to be? What would it take to create a 100% FUCK YA life? Am I on that path? These are tough questions, yes..! However, if we are not asking these questions, then likely we are not on track to living life as the best versions of ourselves.
This episode dives deep into the uncomfortable waters of discipline, responsibility and willpower. What it really takes to create transformation in one’s life. This episode is not about answers, rather it is a conversation and an inquiry in real time with real people who are grappling with these very questions and contexts.
This week Graphic Recorder Aaron Russell joins us as we discuss what it takes to create a life filled with joy, aliveness, fun, and impact. How do we create the best versions of ourselves? We share some of the self-imposed roadblocks we allow to take us out. We discuss some powerful resources that help keep us on track as we move through the interesting process of life.
We work through our personal discoveries around playing small in life and coping with what isn’t working. On the flip side, we share our experiences with discipline, changing behavior and pushing through discomfort.
We talk about our fears and how they’re all made up. This episode is an inquiry into what is possible when we set aside the person we think we are and dive into the world of possibility. Usually, in life, most of us are ready to hang it up when the going gets a little tough and we step into the unknown. This week we are inviting you on a journey with us as we take on self-observation with the intention of discovering areas in life we let ourselves on the hook.
What would be possible for us if we were willing to surrender to a process with an unclear end? We if we pushed past discomfort and completely stepped into our full potential? Play with that context as you listen along and pull value from our sharing.
Vern McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at The Gyst!
Weekly. Unscripted and real.

Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Let me ask you something…would you be ok if you died today? Would you feel like you lived a life worth living? That you were fulfilled with everything you did? Are you experiencing a little discomfort when you ask yourself that question?
What if you lived your life from a new context? Where 100% Fuck Ya was the place you stood from. Where you actually stepped into being the maverick of your own life, the first one out to dance to your song?
In today’s episode Vern and I speak about what we’re committed to achieving in life at the core of who we are as people and challenging that notion to see if it really is in fact true for us, or just something we “think” we should do.
Vern McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at The Gyst!
Weekly. Unscripted and real.
Creative Adventures
Jennifer Hooper
Guy Starts Dance Party
Extended Version
First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy

Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
9. How to Kill Creativity
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Wanna kill creativity? Allow your default operating system to run the show for you. Keep creating, causing and adding all that extra meaning to everything and whatever you do, DO NOT work on the bigger picture. Do not get clear what your vision of the future is or what you have to offer and whatever you do, make sure you allow yourself to conform to your own self impressed limitations.
That woowoo shit is for suckers.
A big shout out to
Mike from Starr Distillery. We love you man #summerlove and the lovely Krystle McCarty
Vern McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at The Gyst!
Weekly. Unscripted and real.

Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
8. Your Inner Sherpa is Waiting. Slow it Down and Get Connected
Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
Do you know what it takes for YOU to slow it down? Are you present and listening for when it’s really needed? It’s selfless and requires you to be full of yourself. Full of love for yourself because that’s what it really takes to be able to have the conversations you need to have with your higher self, your sherpa of life.
The week was scattered, at times a feeling of just getting to the point so I could end the grind. I struggled to slow down and get present. - David
Vern McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at The Gyst!
Weekly every Monday. Unscripted and real.

Friday Sep 01, 2017
7. The Game Just Leveled Up!
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Are you aware? Is it time to progress forward or are you still running the maze?
Oh and the AHA moments. Are you taking time to think about it? Is it an automatic way of being yet for you? It’s not for us yet and this episode is all about acknowledging the successes and the growth each of us experiences and what’s next.
The path is set and every day we’re noticing what it takes to continue the journey, what we’re working on as we travel and what’s showing up during the process.
The 4 levels of competence
Shout out to The Magic Color Maker and The Corporate Shaman and the remarkable job they did at the ATBx Bootcamp. Rocked it.
Vern McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at The Gyst!
Weekly every Monday. Unscripted and real.