The Gyst Life
Creativity is imperfect by nature. This show navigates the everchanging flow of our thoughts, ideas and experiences that shape our lives, our work and our relationship to creativity. We talk about the journey of uncovering the deeper meaning in our work, regardless of what it is, the mastery achieved and the powerful ideas that emerge as we recommit to the messy imperfect process that is creativity. We believe everyone is creative and you don’t need to have everything figured out to create something meaningful, because even those who have their shit together, can still find meaning and purpose missing in their life and their work.

Sunday Jun 03, 2018
26. Keep it Weird but Be Nimble
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
We all want to be the inventor of the next great crazy idea, trend or movement, and sometimes the market tells you that they’re either not ready or not interested.
This week David and Vern have an interesting conversation with Jeff, a local entrepreneur who brings practical lessons from real life business development.
Jeff is co-owner of a few local businesses:
Vine Arts, a local boutique wine and spirits shop
Proof, a great little cocktail lounge on 4th
Donna Mac, a new restaurant that’s recently opened up in the beltline.
It never ceases to amaze us how lessons in life and business are so transferable across the board. Jeff describes some insights from his experience in the hospitality industry and we both received value from what he shared.
Jeff shares what is possible when you have a vision and the courage to take action. However, he reminds us to stay humble and be willing to allow your vision to shift as you get feedback from those you aim to serve.
One of the founding principles of Donna Mac comes from a philosophy of resourcefulness and embraces the mantra that ‘ever-changing’ is the only constant and we could not agree more.
Our biggest takeaway is this:
It’s critical to do the foundational work that supports clarity around why you’re doing what you’re doing, but it is equally critical to understand that we’re always up against a moving target, so make sure you take the time to check-in that it’s still valid, and makes sense for you and for others.
PS: Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel
Vernon R. McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on Instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at TheGyst
Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Saturday May 26, 2018
Saturday May 26, 2018
Saturday May 26, 2018
These last few weeks have been all about being more aware in the moment and getting connected to the feeling of being alive and lit up vs running on autopilot. To be focused on our desire to create, connect and begotten.
The simple truth is this. We are all creators and are fascinated by the creative process. Yet we deny our creativity all the time and in all facets of our lives because of the extremely high expectations we set for ourselves.
Whether it’s building relationships or creating an art piece, it is not about getting it right, it is only ever about tapping into the exercise of being creative and teaching yourself to be truly self-expressed and gotten.
We’re putting the call out.
Come play in Chaos and the unknown with us
Focus on owning your authentic expression vs what you feel everybody else wants to see.
Have real uncomfortable conversations with others
Do something that you’re scared to do and document the journey and share it with someone (like us!)
This is what we say makes the difference in our current world.
INTERESTED IN EXPLORING WATERCOLOR? The talented Maya Corona is doing some workshops next week!
Follow us on facebook at TheGyst
Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Saturday May 12, 2018
24. Your Choice
Saturday May 12, 2018
Saturday May 12, 2018
We’re doing the podcast Saturday because tomorrow is Mothers Day.
Intention of todays podcast is that it makes the difference for the right person. Ya you. So let us know what shows up when you listen to it.
The episode today is brought to you by choice. Yes choice. You know that thing you keep saying you don’t have? But we’re not talking about those everyday things (which you also have choice around btw), no it’s those things that excite and delight you. It’s focused on those things that make a difference for you as a human being in this world.
We talk about the process of getting clear on your why and what happens when you have a vision so clear and so big that you know it will never be achieved, and that the fulfillment of trying to get there is what drives you everyday.
So now that you know you have choice the next thing is to own the choices you make.
OH AND YA: Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel
Follow us on facebook at TheGyst
Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Monday May 07, 2018
23. IT'S A GAME!
Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
This week David and Vern have a bit of fun with the gaming world. We manage to find some life lessons derived from gaming and inside of gaming.
We did this completely on a whim (impromptu) as we briefly discussed David’s lack of motivation around our podcast commitment this week. We share how even our passions occur as work from time to time.
We quickly switch gears realizing, this podcast is our baby and we get to create as we wish. It doesn't have to look a certain way. So this week, enjoy a fun and interesting conversation around healthy hobbies and how to maintain pleasure inside those hobbies. I think we have all abused our pleasures from time to time.
This episode is a great reminder to be responsible, while still creating time for recharge and fun.
David shares his unwavering commitment to his work and how he rewards himself with is leisure love in gaming.
Video of today's podcast
Blog Post: What Being a Gamer Taught me about Balance and Recharge
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Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Life is constantly in a changing state. That’s the adventure! The Eb and Flow is everywhere and we have so many tools that can now support us through this journey.
Today we had the privilege of sitting down with our good friend Jeremy as he shared with us the experience of some significant changes that are going on his world. The shift from being inside a 20-year career to being at the crossroads of change in his life and being with the question, What’s Next?
This can be an overwhelming place at times and Jeremy provides some great insight on his journey through this new chapter of his life.
We all think we are different or strange, that nobody else is dealing with what we’re dealing with. We get caught up in our siloed boxes and siloed perceptions.
As a society, we’ve atrophied our abilities to think creatively, yet the opportunity right now is to lean in and do more of that outside of the box thinking, and push the boundaries we have all put around us.
The opportunity right now is to make more time to think and create for ourselves. To inquire more in “Who We Are”, and less “What Do We Do Next?”
To ask ourselves “What is it about me that makes a difference?” and stop all the “TRYING” to be a certain way. The magic is found within more time spent exploring and less time doing useless shit to fill space.
Connect with Jeremy on Linkedin
Mission Control Workshop:
PS: Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel
Follow us on facebook at TheGyst
Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Sunday Apr 22, 2018
21. Workin' It Out (Part 2)
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
This week David and Vern have an important check in on our expectation of the podcast and our contributions to it. We have an authentic conversation about things we have been thinking about and dealing with, inside our commitment to this passion project.
We illustrate how conflict can be avoided and life’s inevitable breakdowns can be dealt with when you take them on and say what needs to be said.
This is a fun and refreshing taste of purity and a reminder not to take yourself too seriously as projects inevitably evolve and shift. We remind ourselves why we are here and we have each other's backs.
Follow Aliser Glez on Youtube
#DocumentTheJourney #WhysoSerious #LovetheJourney #NotBatmanYet #TheGyst #GetYourShitTogether #podcast #whyuseit #makingadifference #stopthenoise #SundayRead #SpotlightSunday #SelfCareSunday #Brandistruth #GrabaFreshie #lawofattraction
PS: Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel
Follow us on facebook at TheGyst
Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
20. The New Spotlight and The End of the Era of Bullshit.
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Nicolas from Helcim talks with us about the journey of his personal development as a young entrepreneur developing his 11-year-old “startup”.
Nicolas is 10 weeks into putting himself out into the public space through his Vlog and was so gracious in sharing what he’s been dealing with in mental game and inner dialogue that comes up.
At a deep fundamental level, we all want to be gotten and we all ask the same questions of ourselves.
How will I know I am ready? Do I have what I need now? Should I wait? Am I doing it right?
As Einstein said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it”.
This was a great conversation about our interpretations of what other people are doing, the pedestals we put them up on, and the impact that putting so much energy in trying to manage everyone else’s expectations of us have on our own fulfillment.
PS: Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel. We plan to include more of the what goes on in the background of our podcasts more.
Vernon R. McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on Instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at TheGyst
Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Sunday Apr 08, 2018
19. These Things, They Take Time
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
I am running solo today as Vern is not feeling well and fret not my man, I’ve got you covered!
My last week has been about embracing myself and the chaos that surrounds creating what I’m up to.
Reminding myself of the time it takes to create and to allow ourselves to be ok with the time it takes to create something.
The power of my mind and the thoughts I have, which leads to the outcomes I receive and my ability to harness that power and getting it to create with me vs feeling like it’s going against me.
I have been digging in and exploring my relationships with my higher self, my belief system and the power of my mind and it’s ability to attract that is front and centre.
PS: Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel so we can get to our 100 subs.
Vernon R. McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on Instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at TheGyst
Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
A little birdy the other day inquired...
“I wonder if they actually do the things they talk about on the podcast?”
David and Vern talk about the State of the Nation of theGyst podcast and getting reconnected to why they even started it. Authentically sharing the struggles and breakdowns of producing the podcast, being responsible for the impressions it creates “out there” and the benefits its been generating in their lives.
PS: Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel so we can get to our 100 subs.
Vernon R. McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on Instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at TheGyst
Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Sunday Mar 04, 2018
17. MOMENTUM : How Committed Are You?
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
It’s easier to create momentum in areas that we know and feel comfortable with. And, that’s not where the biggest difference will be made.
There are things we could take on that would serve us and we react with conclusions like, “I can’t do that” or “I don’t want to do that” or “I tried it, and that doesn’t work.” These tend to be areas in our life that show up as breakdowns. And here’s the kicker…
It’s still not true to say, “I can’t actually do that”. This is YOUR STORY…
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” - Henry Ford
What is the background conversation you’re having with yourself? You gotta dig deep, it’s not a fun place to be most of the time. And this is where the biggest difference will be made.
Have a structure, make it simple and keep it going… It’s small wins often that add up to quantum leaps forward.
PS: Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel so we can get to our 100 subs.
Vernon R. McCarty (@vernon.mccarty on Instagram @financialmakeoverspecialist)
David Schmeikal (@davidschmeikal)
Follow us on facebook at TheGyst
Weekly. Unscripted and Real