The Gyst Life
Creativity is imperfect by nature. This show navigates the everchanging flow of our thoughts, ideas and experiences that shape our lives, our work and our relationship to creativity. We talk about the journey of uncovering the deeper meaning in our work, regardless of what it is, the mastery achieved and the powerful ideas that emerge as we recommit to the messy imperfect process that is creativity. We believe everyone is creative and you don’t need to have everything figured out to create something meaningful, because even those who have their shit together, can still find meaning and purpose missing in their life and their work.

Saturday Nov 03, 2018
46. Project Forty-Four
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
Saturday Nov 03, 2018
It was a pleasure to have Mike Stanfield the creator of the delicious Vodka line known as Summer Love on the podcast today. He is an inspiring local entrepreneur with a great story to share.
Mike highlights what becomes available in life when we live with passion. Perhaps that comes across as a bit cliche? Maybe, but the famous success stories of billionaires and big business always start with a dream and passion.
Mike is well on his way to his own passionate success story with Star Distillery.
So what are you passionate about? And how does one develop a passion?
The answer is simple (yes cliche again, but hear us out). You have to try new shit and when you do, you’ll find new things you could get passionate about. You have to go public. Share the things you’re thinking about, your goals you want to achieve and the activities you want to try out.
A key factor is having the right relationships in place that will support your dreams. This means you’ll likely have to have some tough conversations and cut some people out of your life.
Sounds intense, but this is your life and as far as we know you only get one “at-bat”, so you have to commit right now to make the best out of it. What you’ll find on the other side makes all of the discomfort well worth it.
Maybe you need to draw a line in the sand as Mike did with his Project 44.
What is Project 44 you ask? You have to listen in to find out. Fuckers.
Send us a message at Sayhi@TheGyst.Life
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Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Saturday Oct 13, 2018
45. Who Wants Your Problems?
Saturday Oct 13, 2018
Saturday Oct 13, 2018
Episode 45 welcomes Wakefield Brewster back once again as he is deeply enrolled in what we are up to here at the GYST Life. We are excited to share his fascinating lyrical flow with our listeners as we create a meaningful conversation.
There is absolute magic in being able to reframe situations such that you are left with power and choice. Some people HATE traffic and can’t wait to get out of the car and some look forward to a quiet ride or a good audiobook.
We often get caught up in the ordinary daily motions and a life that lacks passion. We are sold that consumer goods, trips or a flashy lifestyle is the path to fulfillment and that becomes the dream.
When you focus life around what really matters to us, it becomes simple. Perhaps the path to fulfillment starts with making peace with your reality and take 100% responsibility for your results.
Connect with people around you and leave them with gain. What would the world look like if seven billion people committed to that today?
Life is not meant to be laid out before us in a linear, path from birth to death, the juice is in the journey. We invite you to LISTEN to our conversation and perhaps you will discover the first step to find or deepen your passion. Give yourself permission to play!
Enjoy the episode.
Send us a message at Sayhi@TheGyst.Life
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Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Saturday Oct 06, 2018
44. Be courageous. Listen first if you want to be understood
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
This week the GYST Life gets down to real life as we talk about; what women really want.
We don’t mean the Hollywood cliche context of what women want. We mean how the fuck do we start having real conversations that actually work to build and repair trust. Sexual misconduct in celebrity land and the ME TOO movement sparked a new level of awareness around the power struggle between men and women. Is this having the positive effect it was intended to have?
Men, what if we started talking to other men, and women what if you started talking to women about how we can honor and respect the opposite sex? Here’s the thing guys... women have let me know they experience fear for their physical well-being almost daily. When is the last time you were physically afraid?
Maybe you have a daughter or a sister. Are you aware of the concerns they have about their physical well being? And that it is very likely they are afraid of something? Do you know what that is for them?
Physical harm has occurred to women in all the places they go, school, work, even family reunions. The reality is these things are happening and it can be so subtle, that sometimes even the victim isn’t even fully aware they were abused. It’s scary shit to bring to light.
Every woman we’ve spoken to has experienced some kind of violation. Not all women talk to each other about this and many men have no clue. What would be possible for the world if we had the courage to have the uncomfortable conversations at the "you and me" level about these large-scale social issues? We dare to say, meaningful conversations have the power to transform the world.
We need to stop pointing fingers and making people or the opposite sex wrong, We need to stop making the issues about ME, we have to stop polarizing social media movements which drown out the voice of the individual, we need to listen and work to understand the opposite sex.
This is a conversation about responsibility rather than blame. This isn’t men vs women, this is about men and women and how can we be better for each other.

Monday Oct 01, 2018
43. What is Your Something?
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Ever hear something and you never really “got” what was being said until the 3rd or 4th time around? Well, this is one of those episodes. Take the coaching and listen to this a couple of times. Or fuck off. The choice is yours.
This week David and Vern invite a special guest who has a unique way of sharing his inspiring message.
We speak about living life on your own terms often here at the GYST and that is just what Wakefield has done with his life. He shares as lived, what it actually takes to own your life. We fantasize about a glamorous, wealthy extravagant life when we think of art and entertainment. That is what we are sold, but a life of passion usually isn’t a life of glamor for most of the journey.
How much do you really care about your THING? Are you willing to travel, starve, be broke, fight even die for it? Are you willing to keep working, learning and pushing forward even if with every step you take it feels like you’re going backward?
Spoken word artist, Wakefield Brewster (aka The Lyrical Pitbull) brings a new level of passion and enthusiasm to The GYST Life. There are times in life when you know you are in the presence of greatness, episode 43 was one of those times for the GYST Lifers this week.
Wakefield, brings his artistic depth of thinking as he shares some incredible spoken word creations and words of wisdom with us. Listen as Wake shares his life’s work and observations and illustrates his passion for people and making a difference.
The Question of the Day: What’s your IT? Your Something?
Send us a message at Sayhi@TheGyst.Life
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Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Thursday Sep 27, 2018
42. Times, They be Changin!
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
This week David and Vern have some visitors who want to help us make a difference in the world and contribute to YOU!
We are in creation mode here at the GYST Life as we realized after starting this journey, this is more than a podcast. The GYST is a way of life nah a way of being.
We are clear, nothing happens without community. We have shared what we are up to at The GYST Life with our community and these brave souls have joined our Tribe of ripple makers..
Affer taking a few minutes to settle in, these podcast newbs hide it well as they create a powerful conversation about responsibility, commitment, relationships and love. We talk about what it takes to have that all work in a powerful way, while leaving room for growth and reflection.
There are no hard and fast rules after all, this is your life and you get to say how it goes. You get to check in on those commitments and make new ones that work because you are changing as life changes.
Enjoy the episode and don’t forget to write in to we want to hear from you!

Saturday Sep 22, 2018
Saturday Sep 22, 2018
Saturday Sep 22, 2018
This week we welcome a very special guest to the GYST Life Podcast.. Heather Spurrell is one of our closest friends and a member of our three person accountability group which we fondly refer to as the Unmessables.
Do you have people in your life who love you enough to call you on your shit, support you and praise you at the appropriate times? That is who Heather is for us and that is why we created the Unmessables!
We can’t believe it has taken us this long to share her brilliance with our listeners. Episode 41 is a powerful conversation about what is possible when we choose to acknowledge the elephant in the room during our communication.
We discuss what can be possible when your intentions are clear and thought out. What would life look like if we shift our context from “SHOULDS” and “HAVE TOS” and focus on what we can control to have things work rather than MAKE them work.
It all boils down to tolerance. We look at areas of life that are not working, and we discuss circumstances we choose to tolerate which produce predictable results. Once we start to examine areas of tolerance, we gain access to new action thus producing new results.
Enjoy the episode and we look forward to hearing your feedback, questions and breakthroughs,
Question of the Day:
What are you tolerating?
Why are you still tolerating it?
Send us a message at Sayhi@TheGyst.Lif
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Weekly. Unscripted and Real
#unmessables #DoOrDoNotThereIsNotTry #Padawan #Jedi #InTraining #Responsibility #40isthenew50 #QuestionoftheDay #TheBigLeap #TheGYSTLife #Motivation #YouRock #ItsYourChoice #Choices #DocumentTheJourney #OutsidetheBox #LovetheJourney #StopDoingUselessShit #FindJoy #BeJoy #LifeisPrecious #TheGyst #GetYourShitTogether #Podcast #makingadifference #stopthenoise #WeekendVibes #SaturdaySpecial #SaturYay #Brandistruth #GrabaFreshie #rethinkyourthinking

Saturday Sep 15, 2018
40. One extra push up!
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
This week David and Vern celebrate new Milestones in reaching episode 40 and our first listener email. When we first started talking about creating a podcast, I didn’t actually think we’d ever do it. And that is how anything worth doing has ever been created! It all starts with a thought!
In this episode, we talk about small wins and consistent improvements that compound. All too often we focus on total transformations that are not sustainable and we wonder why we fail.
We think about a thing we would love to do and before we even finish sharing what that thing is we stop ourselves with “YEAH BUT”.
How quickly we forget, great leaders and “successful” people we follow and admire, didn’t start much different than where you are right now! So, what is that first step in creating your new possible future? It could be as simple as a google search, a conversation or a request.
We don’t have to make a massive commitment from day one. We can take small steps that compound and allow us to discover what is possible or if we are actually in love with that thing!
So, what is your first step?
The Big Leap - Gay Hendricks
Questions to ask yourself as you’re discovering your story and getting back to your desire to wholeness
Where do I feel out of integrity (not whole and complete) with myself?
What is keeping me from feeling whole and complete?
What important feelings am I not letting into my awareness?
Where in my life am I not telling the full truth?
Where in my life have I not kept my promises?
In my relationship w____ what do I need to say or do in order to be complete and whole?
The types of questions you can spend your whole life asking/reasking as you’re discovering and growing. These are changing daily if you’re present
Question of the Day:
What is it that you are really interested in taking the next step on and haven’t yet?
What is that step you haven’t taken?
Send us a message at Sayhi@TheGyst.Life
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#DoOrDoNotThereIsNotTry #Padawan #Jedi #InTraining #Responsibility #40isthenew50 #QuestionoftheDay #TheBigLeap #TheGYSTLife #Motivation #YouRock #ItsYourChoice #Choices #DocumentTheJourney #OutsidetheBox #LovetheJourney #StopDoingUselessShit #FindJoy #BeJoy #LifeisPrecious #TheGyst #GetYourShitTogether #Podcast #makingadifference #stopthenoise #WeekendVibes #SaturdaySpecial #SaturYay #Brandistruth #GrabaFreshie #rethinkyourthinking

Friday Sep 07, 2018
Friday Sep 07, 2018
Friday Sep 07, 2018
So life isn’t quite turning out the way you thought it would eh! What do you do now?
This week David and Vern welcome Nicole Hartley Bradford, who has officially joined us on this wild journey of creating the GYST Life!
Nicole is an extremely passionate person and a self-declared Village-ER, Wild-ER, and Rebel, who eloquently shares her story of how she has been able to get to know herself so intimately. What is the impact of that you say? There is a saying; “If you know what’s happening, you’ll know what to do” (source unknown). How do you deal with life’s inevitable breakdowns or express your needs if you don’t know what you want or need?
Nicole shares some unique perspectives and tools you can use to help you get clear about the source of your breakdown and unmet needs. If you understand the source of your unmet needs, you’ll know how to express them and get them met.
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Weekly. Unscripted and Real

Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
On episode 38 David and Vern invite Grant Hansen as a guest. Grant shares how he has created his life as a fun project and the freedom that comes with that context for living..
We explore how life occurs when we make things significant and when we put our concerns of the moment in front of our commitment to having a life that works.
Grant shares how he has been able to create a life where he actually gets what he wants.. Guess what, so do the people in his life and everything works.. Does that mean you’ll never have a breakdown or conflict, of course not, we’re still on Earth after all.
The difference is made in who you are being when you deal with said breakdown.
Grant gives details about the open and effective communication he has with the people in his life, particularly, his wife that has a big impact on his fulfillment and freedom.
So sit back relax and listen to a real human share his story of how he is creating a life worth living.

Friday Aug 31, 2018
Friday Aug 31, 2018
Friday Aug 31, 2018
This week David and Vern have a bit of fun as they record on a Friday night over a couple beers.
In typical GYST Podcast form, things get real fairly quickly. Vern shares some intimate details about his way of being this week that was driven by a personal situation. The guys authentically share some of their discoveries from the inevitable struggles that come with building a life you love..
We discuss well known names who have been able to keep it real and have made a name for themselves by being who they really are.
Authenticity or being authentic is really important now more than ever in our world. The problem is, most people don’t know who they actually are and authenticity is a learned skill. More of us have been scared off by the weirdness of our true selves than there are people actually being their true selves.
So as you listen to this episode, think about what you really want to take on in life, think about what is really holding you back and what would be possible if you took that first step. We promise, your bubble will expand..