The Gyst Life
Creativity is imperfect by nature. This show navigates the everchanging flow of our thoughts, ideas and experiences that shape our lives, our work and our relationship to creativity. We talk about the journey of uncovering the deeper meaning in our work, regardless of what it is, the mastery achieved and the powerful ideas that emerge as we recommit to the messy imperfect process that is creativity. We believe everyone is creative and you don’t need to have everything figured out to create something meaningful, because even those who have their shit together, can still find meaning and purpose missing in their life and their work.

Friday Feb 07, 2025
135 - Recalibrating Creativity
Friday Feb 07, 2025
Friday Feb 07, 2025
We’ve all been there—stuck in the tension between what we want to do and what we feel we should do. It’s the creative struggle. It’s the entrepreneur’s dilemma. It’s the weight of our own expectations. And at its worst, it keeps us trapped in what Alex Ford from The Measurable Genius call’s The Pit of Despair—that place where we start believing there’s no point and nothing will change.
This episode is about learning to choose our hard.
Because let’s be real: Life isn’t free from struggle. But not all struggles are created equal. There’s the hard work that leads to something meaningful, and then there’s the exhausting grind that keeps us stuck. The challenge is knowing the difference.
In this conversation, we unpack:
🔥 The myths about success, creativity, and discipline that hold us back
🎭 The inner critic’s favorite tricks—why it makes us doubt our own voice and value
⚡ How to distinguish the work that matters from the struggle that doesn’t
🔄 The recalibration process—honoring commitments, redefining success, and staying creative
If this resonates, let’s go deeper:
🚀 Coaching to reframe your creative process
🎨 Transform your space with art that inspires
📅 Planning for a future you actually want
🖌️ Roll up your sleeves and pickup a paintbrush to unlock your creative flow

Thursday Dec 19, 2024
134 - Balancing Creative Chaos and Focused Flow
Thursday Dec 19, 2024
Thursday Dec 19, 2024
In this episode David and Maya of Bear and Unicorn Creative unpack their creative partnership and how they're transitioning from supporting other's visions to creating their own. They explore the challenges of focusing on a single creative direction; the crux of every human who has embraced their creativity. They also reveal behind the curtains the lessons they're learning from a business development perspective, the personal aspirations driving their work. The fears, triumphs and determination to shape their future as life partners and creative duo.For more about what we're up to pick a link!

Monday Sep 30, 2024
133 - Embracing the Power of Being Multi-Disciplinary
Monday Sep 30, 2024
Monday Sep 30, 2024
We often feel pressure to specialize, to fit into neat boxes that others can easily understand. But some of us are wired differently. We move fluidly between disciplines, evolving and expanding our skills in ways that don’t replace what came before but augment it. This piece explores the unique strength of being multi-disciplinary, the challenge of communicating that value, and the importance of creating our own paradigms, rather than squeezing into outdated ones.
Hi David here, It's been a while since I recorded somethingSo here's my update!I'll try and keep it short.
For those who might be listening for the first time and don't know me or my wife maya, we run a company called The Bear and Unicorn Creative. We've been working in brand, design and marketing, coaching our clients how to communicate their value, tell their story and market their services for 15 years. And we've worn all the hats to make that work.
It's been an interesting year of digging into creativity and defining and refining my body of work more deeply. I still find myself jumping around, trying my best to herd all my precious ideas and projects to move in the same direction.
At the end of 2023 Maya and I made some choices to try our best to streamline our efforts and stop doing so many things. We decided to work more intimately together and align our efforts towards a single focus, leaning into our talents more intentionally. Using our creative energy to build something for ourselves.
And just when we thought we were done "adding more" Painting murals became a big focus of ours this year. And while it might seem like a radical step in an unrelated direction, it's actually quite aligned with who we are and what we seek to do more of on many levels.
I definitely plan to talk more about the exercise of painting murals and why we decided to do this work in the future.
But in this conversation I want to talk about being multi-disciplinary. I am going spend a little to pull apart what it means, the struggle it can be to communicate that complexity to others, the internal conflict that occurs, and what we can do to break free from the conventional ideas that keep us from truly embracing who we know ourselves to be.
Being a multi-disciplinary myself, I have done and continue to do a lot of different things. It's been a natural way to live, like breathing. But for most of my career, I've struggled to communicate my value in a way that honors that depth and resonates with those I seek to support and co-create with.
I've heard others say that from the outside, it looks like I’m constantly shifting focus. It might feel like I can't or won't commit, always replacing one discipline with another in a convoluted game of hot potato.
There's been conversations with others and with myself where after I've caught myself believing something was wrong with me for being this way, spiraling into self-doubt and self-sabotage. This impulsive reaction at the well intentioned feedback of others really did a number on any momentum I had created. But this is also mine to own.
I've been banging the drum of embracing creativity and I often talk about just how multi-faceted we humans really are. Even those who've settled into a specialty engage in many other things. No one is ever doing the exact same thing all the time. This is our creativity in action and its a fundamental aspect to being human.
And there are some of us who have embraced our tendency to be multi-disciplinary as our specialty. As our way to be compensated and sustain our lives.
What we forget is that our diverse skills don’t operate well in the isolated echo chambers like that of our specialists’. No, our collection of talents are woven together into a unique pattern, one that only we are responsible for understanding and making sense of. Others can provide guidance and direction, but the real work can only be done by you, because only you see the world like you do. And it's on you to learn how to communicate that value to the world.
As I embrace this ideology, and commit more time to understanding how this special way of operating works for me, the better my skills come together.
Like a well-oiled machine, the jacks and jills of many trades are fundamental contributors to society and the marketplace in surprising and unexpected ways.
But we need to be intimately aware of each gear and learn to switch between them at the right time. And the only way to really know this is to build and create and put it out there for others to interact with.
So consider this: you’re not confused, you're just not committing. And you don’t have commitment issues, you just can't do everything at once. So decide, right now, who you will be moving forward. Own the fact that you see the world differently. And moving in and out of disciplines doesn't cancel each other out. You’re not replacing skills; you’re evolving and augmenting them to achieve outcomes even you might not fully comprehend yet. You just need to spend time to better understand how each skill, each gear is best optimized for use.
When I look at all the things I do, I don’t see them in isolation but as part of a full spectrum of parts that represents my value in it's entirety. Every element contributes to the whole.
Of course if you're an entrepreneur like me, the challenge comes in how to market and sell "what we do" to others. This is where we often fall into the trap of trying to trim down or fit our value into a neat little box to look like a specialist in a specific field.
But we’re not specialists. And everytime we try and cut off parts of ourselves in an attempt to "focus", we prevent our true selves from being seen and contributing. If this is you, take a breath and recognize the magnificence of all that you’re capable of.
The real work lies in understanding how to articulate the depth of your experience and the value it brings to others. And that understanding only comes when you’re willing to put it out into the world and see how others interact with it. But this exercise is only meant to achieve one thing, to help you see the gaps, and where you need to simplify and declutter how you present your ideas as it relates to the work you love doing the most. The work you have a natural disposition for, the work your diverse talent thrives in.
This isn’t about squeezing your value into current industry paradigms, but about you standing out. It’s about realizing how your unique contributions are creating new paradigms that complement industry—and even create new markets.
In a world that rewards specialization, it can feel overwhelming to show up with a diverse set of skills and experiences. But we are not here to fit into the boxes others create for us. We’re here to create something entirely new—to weave our unique collection of abilities into something that brings value in unexpected ways.
Your journey may look different from others, and that’s your strength. By embracing the full spectrum of who you are, you’re creating a new way of being, a new way of contributing.
Take a moment today to reflect on all the skills, experiences, and passions that make up your life. Write them down. Look at how they connect. Start to see the bigger picture. How can you bring these together in a way that adds value to the world around you?
You’re ready to start sharing that value—whether through projects, collaborations, or new ventures—put it out there. Don’t wait for the perfect time. Don’t wait for the industry to understand you. Be the one who creates new paradigms, new opportunities, and new ways of working.
It's a journey that you must do for yourself, but that you don't need to do alone.So reach out to me on social or through my website if this resonates with you, or if you’re ready to explore how we can collaborate and bring your unique vision into the world.
Connect with me

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
132 - What Fuels Your Fire?
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
How do we navigate the complexities of our lives with resilience and purpose in a world filled with uncertainty and constant change?
Today I take a short journey (11 minutes) into the depths of personal responsibility, societal challenges and the delicate balance between self-care and helping others.
Have you ever found yourself grappling with the ever-changing landscape of life, feeling overwhelmed by the weight of responsibility and the desire to make a difference? In this episode, we explore the raw emotions and universal truths that shape our experiences, offering insights into how we can navigate the chaos with grace and intentionality.
We must begin by first acknowledging the harsh realities of our world. There are systemic challenges and personal struggles we all face. Positivity alone cannot resolve the depth of our collective pain. The opportunity lies in recognizing that true change begins not in the service of others but from within. We need to embrace the complexities of our emotions and take ownership of our decisions.
As we journey deeper into the heart of the human condition, we will confront our inherent flaws and the unsettling reality of the manipulation and power dynamics of the world. However, our power of our self-awareness and our courage to challenge the status quo lives amidst the chaos.
Life is uncertain, and when we recognize that we will stumble and fall, we can free ourselves to appreciate that is progress. This is self-care and selflessness. Our stories of personal growth and resilience become the practical strategies that help us navigate life's challenges.
I encourage you to reflect on your own experiences and consider how you can embrace the chaos of life with courage and conviction.
Take time to prioritize your well-being. Seek alignment with those who uplift and support youRemember true growth often arises from the depths of uncertainty.
Looking for support on this journey?
I offer what's called a creative recalibration. It's a program that helps you change your relationship to time. We process, make sense and sort through your experience so you can see the possibilities, and pursue what's important to you.
This work is about pushing boundaries, nurturing creativity and being seen for who you are, not just what you do.
Join me!

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
131 - Retired and Finding Yourself Unexcited by Life's Work?
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
I've been running this podcast now since 2017.It's been a fundamental catalyst in my own journey of self-expression and clarity of purpose. I did not know it was going to happen, I just started because it felt right and because deep down I knew I needed to do something to get what was in my head out.
The original premise of the show was about uncovering what it takes to live your best life on your terms and how important it is to get your shit together to make that happen.
The trap though is thinking that having your shit together is all that it takes. You can just as easily find meaning and purpose missing, despite doing all the right things in your life.
You can also make amazing things happen even if you don't have it all together.
As I head into the 7th anniversary of the podcast, I am appreciating that it's less about the solo journey of getting your shit together and more about getting together and making cool shit happen.
And while it's fundamental to do the necessary self work, the real meaningful work happens when you're ready to co-create with others in bigger ways.
This episode is for those who are in a moment of reflection on the passage of time of a lived lived and are finding themselves eager to dig in more deeply but unsure of what to do next.
Perhaps it's been a couple years now since you officially retired or you're about to close the final page of a long chapter in your book of life.
It's an exciting moment, or at least it should be. You have fulfilled on your obligations to society and to the industry you've invested at least a quarter century into.
60 hour work weeks where the soul focus of you and your peers was getting shit done has been replaced with a new domain to master.
A new book is ready to be written as of today.
Your own.
It's time to create a new set of rules to play life by.

Monday Mar 11, 2024
130 - The Journey of Man is a Lonely One
Monday Mar 11, 2024
Monday Mar 11, 2024
The Journey of Men is a lonely one, even if we find ourselves surrounded by those we love.
We are expected to carry the weight of life on our shoulders and be the rock everyone around us can lean on.
I embrace that role whole heartedly.I strive to be the best man I can be for my son, for my daughter and for my wife.
But embracing that role comes with a dark side if we're not careful.I provide strength, direction and assertiveness when neededI also need to balance that with connection, vulnerability and compassion.
But it is not easy.
This last week I met a number of inspiring men through new connections online and in person. I appreciated how easy it was for the ones I did connect with to be able to stand confidently in who we know ourselves to be.
How easy it was to feel an ease in exploring the areas we typically reserve for much later in a relationship, if ever at all. There was no posturing and no pressure, just presence.
In the past I've had many tell me they could not handle how I show up, that it was uncomfortable to explore deeper conversations with me and why couldn't I just keep it simple.
I've had a few tell me there was a time when they outright didn't like me because of it and I've had others tell me they tried to avoid me all together.
A part of me knewA part of me ignoredA part of me had no clue
There are those that stuck around and there are those who left.
While I share frequently over social media, I am still more assertive than I am vulnerable, still more calculated in my sharing than I am fully expressed.
I keep the really deep concerns, stories and struggles to myself for fear of the judgement and the perception it might create of me.
I justify those emotions as unnecessary, insignificant and just unworthy of sharing.
Deep down I know it is not true , but this is always how it went and so would always be how it goes.
However all of that changes very quickly when I am around other men who step into their true self. The moment another brother bravely shares their journey, their struggle, their doubts and their celebrations, the flame of my own aspirations are doused with the fuel of creativity.
The problem is that fuel doesn't last very long. And the moment I find myself on my own, I begin to calculate my exit plan.The vulnerabilities arise once again as I put on the armor I've counted on to protect me from those I don't know since I was a young boy.
This is the very same armor we put on when we decide to stop the pursuit of anything outside of our realm of the familiar.
It does not matter what it is.
The moment we sense that we're in a unfamiliar place, we activate this armor. Because we've told ourselves a story that we've adopted as gospel.
It never fails us.
But it has failed us, we just fail to see the obviousness of it all.
That we've outgrown our suit of armor.And that we must spend the time to craft a new suit that is versatile and adaptable to a fast changing environment.
A suit that will serve us in our future role as a man in this world.
That's the thing about being a man...
Struggle never goes away. Struggle is our biggest source of fuel.Our lives are meant to be lived in the pursuit of something bigger than ourselves.
But If we're not careful our titles, roles and positions will forever trap us in a way of being that does not serve our true objective and likely has not for a long time.
Leaving ourselves resigned to believe that we might never realize our ideas to their fullest potential.
Here's something you already know....Having your shit together does not mean you're living the life you want.
And you're only as effective as the men who stand in your corner.
The simple truth is this....
The journey that got you here is the one you needed to take, but it will not get you to where you say you want to go.
And only when you're ready to let go of who you are not, can you then embrace the hero you know yourself to be. The hero tasked to take up the challenge bestowed upon you; to live a life to the fullest potential of your ability.
The work to do is write how you want that story to go.
Surrender to curiosity

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
129 - After Decades of Dedicated Service, It's Time to Fill the Void
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
You've invested 10,20,30 years into your profession and now you're standing there with an open calendar and a decision to make.
There is a feeling of anticipation. The excitement for what's possible.The weight of previous responsibilities have lifted from your shoulders and this new found space to move and roam leaves you with a new focus.
The search for what's next.
In these early days of exploration, every moment feels pregnant with potential. Yet as weeks slip into months, the initial thrill gives way to a growing restlessness.The need to do something to fill the void left by decades of dedicated service, becomes a relentless whisper in the back of your mind.
But the idea of diving headlong into something entirely new feels somehow inadequately inappropriate, as if missing the mark entirely.
Even now as the calendar stretches out before you like an open road the anticipation of what lies ahead palpable with the thrill of possibility, you can't help but pause on the peculiar mix of trepidation and uncertainty.
There's this gnawing sense that what you seek has always been there waiting, to finally be recognized and acknowledged, waiting to be embraced.
But the pull of the hustle and bustle of this new chapter makes it all to easy to fall into old habits. The urgent and the pressing crowds out the important as the days slip by in a blur of activity, little room being left for introspection or meaningful action.
How much longer are you going to let the stuff that gets in your way keep getting in the way?If you were really honest with yourself, a part of you would agree that this pattern has plagued you your entire life. It did not matter what demands of life or job, the things that truly mattered have always taken a back seat to the immediate concerns.
It is in this moment of transition, where you are given a rare chance to break free from old habits, to chart a new course laid out by your inner guide.
It's daunting to be sure, and you know this one is different.
As you stand on the threshold of this new chapterResolve to confront the things that have long held you backCommit to embrace the opportunities that lie aheadForge a path guided by passion, purpose and possibility.
Stop waiting to arrive, you are here. It's a simple truth that often gets lost in the shuffle of daily life.The decision to make is now, in this moment, with the resources and experiences you've accumulated. There is no need to wait for the perfect conditions. Now is that time.
You have accumulated a wealth of experiences and lessons along the way. Each challenge, each triumph has shaped you into the person you are today
And now in this moment, understand that you are uniquely positioned to share those lessons with others.
It's a daunting and humbling prospect to be sure.Stepping into the role of mentor and guide requires vulnerability and a willingness to embrace creativity.
But you know this is where you're meant to be.And the truth is you've already built strong foundations. You've honed your skills, navigated through adversity and emerged stronger than you ever thought possible.
Now is the time to offer a guiding light to those seeking clarity and direction.You know the path forward may not always be clear, but you know something others do not. With courage and conviction you will step forward into the unknown, ready to share your wisdom, to inspire change and leave your legacy on the world around you.
This is not something you need to do alone either
I'm on a mission to remind you that not anyone can do what you can do, not everyone see's the world like you see. In fact, your point of view is needed more than you know and the time to be unleashed into the world, to build the body of work you're meant to create is now.
It's time to create a new set of rules to play life by. You are more than what you've done and the subject matter expertise you've acquired. You have a body of work; a world of ideas, lessons, and experiences that we could all benefit from. The game to play now is to sort out how you plan to show up and share.

Monday Feb 26, 2024
128 - Are You at a Crossroads in Your Life?
Monday Feb 26, 2024
Monday Feb 26, 2024
If you find yourself at a cross roads of your life, whether its exploring retirement or transitioning into a new career or life focus, this message is for you.
I never thought this idea of planning for retirement was a thing I needed to think about with any measure of intensity. But as I reflect on the last 15 years of my life, I am present to just how quickly time goes and how quickly we can find ourselves having to make choices that need to fit within a new life paradigm. One that's new, unfamiliar and obscure.
One thing is certain. An old life has to be left behind. And with this, you might be experiencing feelings of loss of what was, mixed with anxiety isolation and uncertainty for what's to come.
And as much as you might have been looking forward to it, this is one of life's milestones not to be taken lightly, and definitely should be pursued with a healthy balance of excitement, commitment and curious exploration.
You are at the beginning of a new book. Chapter one of what's next is waiting to be written.And despite the mixed bag of emotions, your energy and attention is quite eager to be channeled in new directions. What happens next will set your focus and hold your attention for the foreseeable future.
Your first new job as CEO of Your Dream Life is to develop and refine your creative process. The guide rails that will direct your efforts.
This is less about following a pre-designed purpose than it is a practice of leaning into a way of living that honors serendipitous coincidence.
You're at a unique point in your life.You're able to do something most of us say we want to do but are just not ready for yet.
And that is to free yourself of all obligations, attachments and expectations that have typically influenced the directions our life needed to go in and instead decisively venture forth in a direction of your choosing because you said so and because you're ready for the trip.
A large majority of us have bought into this idea that we had to follow a specific path.And if we followed that path, hit those objectives, those things we said we needed to, meaning and purpose would show up on the end of that journey. The hidden treasure. We did not veer off that path, believing that would risk it all, compromising the end result.
You know this to be untrue. Because here you are, at the end of said path only to discover that it was not the end at all.
Only a new beginning.
Now is the time to double down on who you really are and embrace your inner collector and creator. You are a creative and a collector, have always been. You have created many experiences, produced or participated in producing the tangible and the intangible. You have collections of a life of ideas, beliefs, ways of doing, ways of being to prove it.
This time of your life is about re-engaging with those small moments, spending time with them and adding meaning to them.
What happened?What have I done?What is important to me?Why does it matter?What will be my new focus?
This new clarity, this spark, will light your candle of creativity.And it will show you the way and reveal your creative process.
Nurturing creativity is like giving structure and organization for chaos to roam freely. you know this. It's intentionally making space for the unpredictable to just do it's thing, but within parameters.
If there are no parameters, the creative process becomes too much, goes too far, spreads out too thin. It becomes impossible for us to really grab hold of.
Your creative process is the place where what's next will incubate. And it needs to be a familiar space. One that you can explore and understand intimately it's nuance and subtleties so that you can effectively guide, direct and capture the insights of this introspective evaluating and contemplating of possibility to design your new life.
This is far from the end, this is the beginning and the first step to recalibrating what life looks like for you.
Embrace it. Write about it. Share those thoughts with others. Seek out those who relish in these discussions. Go deeper than you ever have and experience a level of clarity like you've never experienced.
join me and surrender to your curiosity

Monday Feb 12, 2024
127 - Your Voice is An Instrument
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Last week I came across a fantastically contagious individual I didn't know I needed to hear, until I did. Truth be told, that while I was hopeful that the masterclass would reveal some unknowns to me as it relates to the world of speaking on stage, I wasn't expecting much.
The inner critic was busy being critical. And thankfully the inner creative was also busy getting ready to be inspired.
Which, after day 1, I definitely was.At the time of this recording, Chantelle Adams is hosting her free 5-day Speaking Extravaganza and she did not disappoint.
If I could only share one thing with you that really left an impact it would be this...
Your voice is an instrument and carries with it a message.

Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
126 - In The Battle for Creativity, Creativity Becomes the Battle
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Last year I had an interesting journey with my professional career and with my relationship to creativity. In some ways I really felt lost, a bit defeated and unsure of myself or my abilities to make decisions. It had me start to question why I even bother pursuing this idea of living a creative life. Wondering often, what that even means.
I needed a win, a reminder, a recalibration.
Which I got.
A book I was reading about creativity, along with a video I watched about taking an artistic approach to work, prompted a deep dive into answering a simple, yet profoundly complex question for myself...
What's true for me?
In an attempt to answer that question, I ended up deciding to produce a short film about my journey with creativity, because, apparently, that's what needed to happen. And why not? Seems doable, even though I've never done anything like that before.
In full disclosure, I proudly identify as what you would call a 'Jack of all Trades'. I have no formal education in film, other than having been in the creative industry assuming various roles from design, production, communications, strategy and management. Let's just say I know enough about a few things to be dangerous and can easily find myself in way over my head, which I was.
The Fog of War in the Battle for Creativity
The fog of war is a metaphor that's been used as far back as the 1800's. It meant to capture the uncertainty of any outcome, like that of a war. In today's world it refers to the difficulty of making decisions in the midst of (insert conflict here).
If you would indulge me on a tangent...
This connected me to one of the biggest reasons why I love to play certain video games, the irony that comes from how I tend to feel about that same struggle in the real world and a shift of perspective this experience is unraveling for me.
I've played video games for well over 35 years or so. I love playing video games, so much so, there is a space on my calendar dedicated to that activity alone.
In the virtual world there is also a fog of war
It's actually a primary mechanic in many games. It reveals what I've discovered on my journey and what i have yet to uncover. With every new discovery, comes a boost of confidence and courage to continue to venture forward into the unknown.
And I do so, eagerly and with a virtual pep in my step. EXCITED by the prospect of what new thing I might discover along the way.
Sometimes I'm ready for what's next, basking in the glory of a well deserved victory, other times I'm back at home base licking my wounds and preparing for the arduous journey to retrieve my stuff from a place I'm clearly not ready for.
With this new clarity and perspective, I can return with a level of readiness and preparation that simply didn't exist up until that moment where the fog of war lifted and I was face to face with an unexpected adversary.
I produced a short film. Now what?
This is what I asked myself and again I am in way over my head. A few conversations with some inspiring people here in town how has me hosting a screening of my film at the end of this month.
One of my characters (I talk about that in a previous podcast), can't help but shake his head in disbelief as he comments on me "doing it again".
But here's the thing I am realizing...
I have an interesting relationship with the growth and grind of leveling up in the virtual world, and by association to certain games I play in the real world too.
I always enjoyed the game...
Regardless of the grind, when it was the game I CHOSE to play.
And even though there are some IRL games that I wished I didn't have to play, the simple truth is that fog of war that has been forever revealed is a good thing!
It will always be a variable I must navigate, but there will be ways for me to go around because I know it exists.
The Lesson?
You might now know what you'll uncover in the creative game you're playing, but you can ALWAYS choose which game you WANT to play. So if you don't like the game you're currently playing, pick a different one.
Just remember, with every new game comes a new fog of war.
Every month I share a personal perspective about the challenges and discoveries we/I face as human beings on our journey to live a creative life. The process we go through to uncover, distill and be recognized for the original value and point of view we bring.
Join my newsletter here